What did you do (Paul)?

Wrong question

I was once in a gathering many moons ago when the speaker (Sharon Stone… no not the actress) asked ‘how many of you have walked around a building or a block seven times, claiming it for the Lord?’. In my element I was one who enthusiastically put up my hand. She paused for a moment and then said, ‘You did that because you did not hear from God, you read it somewhere.’

Her point was made. We copy. We want to find out what was done before, so we quickly look for some mud and spittle (any spit will do) and carry it with us waiting for the miracle to happen. Joshua did not have a ‘Bible’, he heard God and acted. Jesus did not have a manual to refer to.

We like to know and then treat the Bible like a rule book, a manual to tell us what to do. I think it is more like fuel in the tank for OUR journey that a detailed map or instruction manual.

I like the big missing pieces in Scripture. Was Paul opinionated and difficult to get along with? Not really too relevant (might be interesting but so what?). More relevant is what about Martin? (I hope not now using it as an instruction manual) but we read of what is required of leaders in some of the ‘pastoral letters’: two quite good principles there – what happens in the home, and what do the neighbours think? Public and private… mind the gap.

I was shaped by a movement that I am deeply grateful for but in those early days we had / were on the journey of discovering what the shape of biblical church was. I think now not so smart, or might only get us so far… after all let’s assume we get the answer we are looking for, we could well be in danger of getting a ‘new wineskin’ but wineskins do not produce wine.

Paul, what did you do when you got were inside that vehicle, and inside it for days, and was informed that it had been dedicated to two demonic powers? That I am really interested in. I need to know cos then I will know what to do. And the BIBLE? Wonderfully silent. It is the wrong question. We can do the what… march around 7 times; pray and fast and ‘deal’ with the principalities; determine what and how ekklesia should be. All wrong questions. ‘WHY?’ I think ‘why’ is the question that we need to engage with. (More tomorrow.)

One more time: end of monarchy

The Bible… Love it. So much empowerment comes through regular reading and meditating on the pages, and if I am not cautious, empowerment of my ideas. Just seems God has not put in our hands a book that is so clearly delineated that I am the one inside the ‘lines’ and I put others ‘outside’. Chosenness places us in the door, not in possession of the house. All ins in Scripture seem to be so that all can be in… Jews so that the whole earth, all the ethna are able to enter. That seems to be the ultimate manifestation of the ‘tabernacle of David’ (Acts 15:16, 17). It is not centred in on 24 hour worship (though we worship in Spirit and in truth and that is a flow from our lives), nor about the ‘throne’ of David in the sense of some Jewish restoration… though all of those aspects can perhaps serve along the journey.

Israel, so different. And the many diverse understandings of Israel / election led to the sects within the developing people – particularly post-Exile once they had lost the land – and probably also leads to so many viewpoints within Scripture. There is a strong ‘we must have a king’ angle to counter that of ‘every person doing what is right in their own eyes’. I like the double-meaning that I read in there, but clearly the editors are agreeing that ‘we need a king’ and the only legitimate king is the one that is descended from David, hence the disaster that had come on the Northern kingdoms. (Interestingly in the earlier books there is a lot of justification why David should be king and why Solomon should be king, but by the time of the Exile with Chronicles there is no justification for this at all. By then it was clear David and his lineage is the authorised one from heaven. Now that is a viewpoint!)

And the other stream… the one I like of course. Kingship is rejecting God. Saul does not cut it… that soon becomes clear, so God then looks for someone after ‘his own heart’. Soft, open, meditative, reflective, worshipping for sure. But that takes us so far. If kingship is a rejection (the statement is not ‘if they choose Saul they are rejecting me’, but ‘asking for a king is rejecting me’) then to be after God’s own heart is to empty kingship of all it consists of, it is to bring kingship to an end, so that with renewed hearts, sight changes (a big Pauline theme) leading to each person doing what is right in their own eyes.

I have prior to this blog pointed out that Solomon displays wisdom and foolishness seemingly in equal measure, his structure in the land is Egyptian (very impressive to a Queen of Sheba)… leading to the divided kingdom and one part choosing one who came up from Egypt as their king. And the other part, Judah, overtly not choosing such a person, but the die is already cast.

Jesus comes as the ‘son of David’. He represents humanity in all its forms, and as son of David there is an implicit understanding of him being ‘king’, and king he is, just as David was. The fruit of David’s kingship is mixed and there are despots as well as good kings released, for ‘power corrupts’… Then we look at the cross, there nailed to it, to be read is ‘king of the Jews’. Accidental? Or is kingship nailed to the cross?

Yes we can use the terms ‘king of kings’ for Jesus, and how ironic that was in the NT era where there was always one who claimed to be ‘king of kings’, the one based in Rome. The pathway though is so different. Jesus is not the victor over the (Roman) king of kings through out-kinging the emperor. Laying down his life, the principalities that lie behind kingship are drained of their power. Language is so challenging. We use the term ‘king of kings’ and probably go very quickly to that of power and enforcing a rule.

‘Not so among you’ are words that were explained in the act of foot-washing.

I don’t really know what Jesus as king really looks like. In his presence we rightly tremble, we fear… not because of impending wrath but because we simply do not comprehend love like that.

David was to totally re-calibrate kingship so that power does not shape the future. God as ‘king’ does not shape the future according to power. Love overcomes.

One more ask!!!

This is more or less a repeat of the post I put out enticing anyone who wishes to to part with some dosh to help get some Brazilians across to the UK in January to be exposed further to the work of Authentic Business / Lives. This is a next step for them so that AL & AB can be expanded in Brazil… (If you wish more details please drop me an email.)

Gayle is going to be part of the next Ignite training conference in January in Ashburnham Place. We (Gayle and I) want to help some Brazilians that she has been working with for a while to get across to the conference, and also to have some extra time to dialogue. They are people that we know / have known for years. They are not ‘monied’, Brazil’s economy is not similar to the UK, so money is a challenge. We would love for them (how many depends on how much dosh can be available – up to 4 people if possible) to be able to attend. Update: I think at present we will be able to get 2 people across… big thank you to those who have contributed… all monies will be used for this, and all contributions are welcomed.

We will be making a contribution so invite anyone else who would like to to join us. (You can also email me – martin@3generations.eu to get any other information you want about this.)

How to give?

We have arranged with David Erasmus and his charity ‘BroadPlace’ so that gifts (UK-wise) can be given into the charity with the additional bonus of Gift Aid being added to the contribution.

If you need to contact David directly: info@broadplace.org.uk or david.erasmus@broadplace.org.uk

So either email me directly or David to get details of the bank account and procedure. David will need your email to send you a GiftAid form and also a procedural Data record permission form.

The Ignite conference – hey think about coming. You will love it, and probably not over your head at all.

To register: https://bit.ly/ignitejan2023

Big days in the wilderness

Forty days in the wilderness. Those were a big 40 days… 40 days to undo 40 years of wandering, which in turn were 40 years of judgement for refusing to enter the land where the spies went into for 40 days. I know I have posted on the ‘temptation stories’ before, but they seem to carry such significance.

The Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness (Mk. 1:12).

The Matthew and Lucan accounts are a little softer with ‘led’ being the verb, but in Mark the verb is ultra-strong. The same verb as is used consistently of ‘casting out’ demons! Two sides of the same coin. Being led to the wilderness usually feels like being ‘cast out’, ‘thrown’ into the wilderness. A dislocation is what is experienced, but behind it all is the gentle (!!) leading of the Spirit.

The wilderness, the abode of demons. The place where demons go to when cast out (‘dry and waterless place’) so that from there they can then go and find a home. They are always looking for a home among humans and within human activity. Jesus goes there, and from time to time we will find ourselves dislocated, vulnerable.

The big picture…

The first temptation is one the two Gospel writers agree on. Economic principles that are not based in creational order. The second two they change the order – religious and political power. The final two are of course what put Jesus on the cross; the compromised religious order ‘prophesying’ that it was better for one to die otherwise the Romans would come and take away their religious privileges, even taking away their Temple. Of course this is exactly what happened with the destruction of the Temple in AD70… (I think the current desire to move in this direction can only end with the same outcome.)

Some people suggest I am biased… I simply say I am writing from a perspective!!! So.

Dislocation. Into the wilderness, led there tenderly / cast out and landing there. The place where the word of the Lord comes (to John) and the place where he stayed. It is one thing to get the word of the Lord in the wilderness, but I think maybe too many have gone from the wilderness to the palace. John stayed there; Jesus went in there.

We have to (corporately, globally, and believers as first fruits of a new Creation) nail the ‘stones into bread’. Get rich schemes. Exploitation of creation, solely extracting and all that follows on from that. A confession: I never want to be without, I have insecurities about all kinds of provision… I am intimidated in the presence of those with resources / money / possessions (cannot call that wealth, as wealth and money are not the same), and one of the jokes the Lord has (divine jokes are normally at our expense, they come to reveal what is in us) is that from time to time I mix with those who are involved in global finance, who have downloads about the shifts taking place. I have pointed out to one of them that I am on a totally different page to them; the response has been ‘that is why I want you here’. That is grace, for truth does not lie in me, nor in ‘them’; truth is elusive and is in the space between us, and it will always remain just a little elusive (a lot elusive!).

Back in 2008 I began to see that there was coming an invention that would ‘recycle everything that cannot be currently recycled’. I have lost sight of that (and related aspects concerning climate crisis) over the past years and lost hope. I have been provoked in recent days to pick this up again, to believe that there will be ‘inventions’, ‘sight’ that will reverse the mess we have created… Maybe, but I think first the economic (‘money makes the world go round and round’) will have to change. Let me put it more strongly it has to change. We might all have a bias, but the simple extraction from creation as if it is ours to do that to has to go. Twenty years of challenge, into this.

If we are serious about the religious giving way to the true knowledge of God… for the boundaries are set so that people might seek after God (so there is something of God that can be found within all kinds of religion, including that of the religion that we have created with Christendom – political power compromised, as Judaism was in the days of Jesus in Jerusalem). ALLLLLL religion has to give way to the true knowledge of God – that only comes through Jesus. If we are serious about a genuine new world order, a city where there is no Temple present, or no Temple to be seen – that is so ironic, with the original Jerusalem Temple occupying something around 20% of the territory, it was what was seen!

Yes the wilderness is where it begins. There is also the top of the Temple and the high mountain that has to be visited. With the attendant temptations to be refused and a return to the wilderness, so that the scene can end with angels (heavens occupants) and wild beasts (the institutions hostile to heaven) all being present.

Wilderness is home for a while to come I guess. Yet provision will be there.

A comment on Churchill and MT

I had a comment on the post I wrote that I was not able to put up here as it was written with a false email address. No idea who they were or what position in faith they ascribe to, but thought I would copy and paste it here. It read:

I’m sorry, but I think everyone has collectively lost their marbles.Has no one noticed the sheer sleuthness of Boris? The sheer slime on his face and personality? He was obviously an immoral man. All of these people prophesying about a new Churchill and a new Thatcher are people stuck to the past that are probably prophesying out of a never ending longing for the safety they knew decades ago in the redemptive gift of ruler season that ended with the dawn of the 90s.We are in a redemptive git of mercy era now, and, the old people that knew how things worked “back in the day” keep trying to bring “back in the day” back to today, and, it’s simply wrong. What’s in the past is in the past. Churchill wasn’t perfect, Thatcher wasn’t perfect. They’re dead. Let’s stop wishing them back. Political leaders need to be as per God’s will and if there’s one thing they need to have is morals, and if you read Private Eye or pretty much anything else about Boris you will see that morals weren’t his forte. Christians need to wake up and stop being lulled by mesmerisation.

A great amount of agreement there and a longing for the past, a return of the ‘good old days’ (as if they were!) will not bring us closer to a future. Crises abound, opportunity beckons.

Forgiveness is easy?

A while back I interviewed Michele Perry where she made a plea that the standard Christian response that ‘you need to forgive’ is a little too simplistic. In there she referenced a video of a pastor making confession (part confession) and all the support / understanding / forgiveness for the ‘misdemeanour’ going his way, while the voice of the victim was pretty much silenced… The ‘Christian’ expectation is ‘forgive and get on with it’.

I come back to the Lord’s prayer. If Scottish ‘Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors’; and if English ‘Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us’. (Surely the Scots don’t favour the ‘debt’ cos it has a monetary application?)

Either way it is not ‘forgive our debtors as we know they were somewhat damaged so I understand that they were not reacting cleanly, so I give them a whole load of understanding…’ Now that is true, but not the focus. The focus is ‘they owed me something’, ‘they crossed boundaries and so disrespected my space’, and in the prayer no allowances are made for how they approached the situation with their own wounds. It is name it for what it was. I consider that too often we rush from – yes that is what you experienced but forgive, and do not allow the process.

Monica Lewinsky later came to realise that the approach from the then president was abuse. Not primarily at the sexual level (consent?) but at the power level. President of the USA and an intern… not exactly level ground. Same goes for parents to kids – not equal. (BTW maybe David’s relationship with Bathsheba would be viewed that way in our culture…)

Forgiveness is central – after all ‘and if you do not forgive (and I take that at the root level of ‘release’ being the same word to untie a boat and let her sail) neither will your Father in heaven forgive you’. That’s pretty heavy… but the pathway is ‘they crossed boundaries, they owed me’ not one simply of ‘I need to get over this’.

I think if we insist on a simple forgive with no process there will remain a trigger in place. We meet another person, another situation and all of a sudden we are off on one. Why? Probably because the situation reminds us (consciously / subconsciously) of the former scenario where the boundary was encroached on / they did not give us what they should have.

So some honesty, not total 100% accuracy is needed. They owed me, they trespassed! And this is so often true of parents, or those who were older and in authority.

Quick forgiveness insisted on… probably no great solution.

And finally… come on all you readers of this post. Just consider for a moment how reflective and even pastoral I am. (A brief fleeting moment!)

Churchill & MT

Although living outside the UK the events in the UK are always of interest, and the breaking news is of the resignation of Liz Truss as PM of the UK. 45 days in that seat… Perspectives!

There were a number of prophetic words around Boris Johnson being a ‘new Churchill’; and when the current election was buzzing as to who would come to lead the conservative party I along with a number of others saw a woman coming to that position and that she would be a new ‘Margaret Thatcher’.

A little aside… Two days ago I was hosting with Carl Wills and Gayle a Zoom gathering, and into that I said – if Liz T goes quickly it will show we are seeing something shift quickly. And that is not a comment on her as a person, nor a comment against conservative politics… so here comes the perspective.

Make Britain great again? No. That is not on the heart of God. Prophetic words can often be right, but it is how they meet expectation that the issues begin to arise. The example I have given numerous times is of Peter ‘prophesying’ the identity of Jesus as ‘you are the Christ’. Quickly followed up by ‘not so Lord’, and the wonderful loving rebuke by Jesus of ‘get behind me Satan’.

I am happy with ‘a new Churchill’, ‘a new Margaret Thatcher’, or (elsewhere) ‘he will be a wrecking ball’. It is the next step that becomes important.

So a perspective… Churchill, MT belong to an era, to something from the past. So ties with the ‘again’ words. I believe that those manfestations had to rise to cleanse / get it out of the system for the future. My comment two days ago was that the shift in the past couple of hours is showing us that something is shifting quickly.

We are not through the cleansing… but it is vital that the UK gets a major cleansing. If that happens something can shift in the USA, and also in Europe. So get ready for shakings!!! The hole left will be closed quickly, there will be proclamations that the ship has been steadied and back on course!! However, once true north is lost there is no course.

And we should not be looking for a quick passage through the instability. It is here until there is a cleansing. New global alignments.

Definitely worth a read

Anne, who from time to time comments on this site sent me a link to an article this morning.


The last three sentences being:

It’s ironic that Elon Musk, the man who has been talking about getting us to Mars should be Putin’s messenger for the war in Ukraine, when we’re having a really hard time getting our act together on this planet. But it’s glaringly obvious to ordinary people that we need to do so. Time is not on our side.

It is a very perceptive interview with Fiona Hill, a former adviser to former president Trump… surprise, surprise that I have seldom quoted from those quarters. In the interview she explains also how Putin is using certain people whose egos he can flatter to convey his messages, saying that this was something she experienced while linked to the White House and how she is convinced this is continuing to happen.

She also speaks of a global change of world order – a before and an after. Maybe co-incidentally but for the past couple of years I have spoken of ‘my next 20 years’ being my focus (not so young by then, and I also know that I only have today, being the common theme in Scripture to focus on, so trying to live with that implicit conflict). A few days ago I was privileged to listen to someone make a statement that resonated strongly that we see seasons so differently to someone of African origin. A season has to be over soon, for us. However they pointed out that seasons can be 40 days, 40 years, 400 years! Then they spoke of – and I sat up and listened – that the season we are in being one of 20 years duration. That so witnesses with my spirit.

Anyway… the read is good and informative.

An invitation!!

Help bring some Brazilians to a conference.

Well that is a nice way to put ‘if you were thinking of finding a way to part with some dosh, here is one way I can suggest!’ (Hate asks for money that make it all sound as if the request is doing you a favour… but PLEASE read on.)

As readers of this blog will be aware Gayle works within Authentic (Life and Business). I had a connection with Andrew Chua in 2004, and reconnected more substantially in 2020 when I attended the Ignite conference, where they were helping train those who wished to move toward facilitating / consulting in the business arena. I called Gayle each night, and said ‘I love the material, it is probably way over my head, but it will be like a hand in glove if and when you connect with it; and the second part I love is their approach to money.’

Well Gayle is going to be part of the next Ignite training conference in January in Ashburnham Place. We (Gayle and I) want to help some Brazilians that she has been working with for a while to get across to the conference, and also to have some extra time to dialogue. They are people that we know / have known for years. They are not ‘monied’, Brazil’s economy is not similar to the UK, so money is a challenge. We would love for them (how many depends on how much dosh can be available – up to 4 people if possible) to be able to attend.

We will be making a contribution so invite anyone else who would like to to join us. (You can also email me – martin@3generations.eu to get any other information you want about this.)

How to give?

We have arranged with David Erasmus and his charity ‘BroadPlace’ so that gifts (UK-wise) can be given into the charity with the additional bonus of Gift Aid being added to the contribution.

If you need to contact David directly: info@broadplace.org.uk or david.erasmus@broadplace.org.uk

So either email me directly or David to get details of the bank account and procedure. David will need your email to send you a GiftAid form and also a procedural Data record permission form.

The Ignite conference – hey think about coming. You will love it, and probably not over your head at all.

To register: https://bit.ly/ignitejan2023

Kenarchy Volume 4

Yes the Kenarchy Journal Volume 4 is out. Here are the titles in this volume:

  • Kenosis in Catastrophe
  • Creation and Kenosis
  • Discharged from the Law: Paulos, Anarchy and Spirit. Exploring Romans 6-8 With Gershom Scholem and Walter Benjamin
  • The Eucharist as Iconic Experience of Divine Love: Ancient – Future Orienteering with Julian of Norwich
  • False Doctrine, False God, False Economy: Scarcity and Abundance in the Song of Solomon
  • A Gospel of Exclusion? Implications of Employing Nehemiah as Exemplar in American Political Rhetoric
  • With three book reviews at the close.

The Kenarchy Journal, with Roger and Sue Mitchell at the core of it, has now come into partnership with the Institute of Religion, Peace and Justice, and it is also now their academic journal. If you think the academic side is too tough, skim an article, find a paragraph that resonates… As we shift from Empire to chaos, we need to keep imagination, faith and hope alive. Go get yourself over there and check it out.

