I will have a Zoom discussion on October 11th, 20:00UK time, the first on ‘The Lifeline’, the fourth book in the series Explorations in Theology. I have a small group who have worked their way through books 1 – 3, but if you are keen to join us and can do some pre-work I will gladly add you to the group. Let me know!
We will seek to cover the preface and the first two chapters. The preface is important as it gives a context to this book in the light of the previous ones and then there are two chapters on Scripture and its interpretation (no, not inerrant for after all in Scripture in the pen of an apostle we read that ‘all Cretans are liars’!!!) but Scripture is our source of authority.
If you wan to join us let me know and you will need a copy of the fourth book ‘The Lifeline’ – click below on the image for the publisher and where / how to order it.