Christian nation(-state): oxymoron

Pete Enns’ material is full of up-to-date simply explained scholarship and he also interviews various writers. This episode was Lee C. Camp, and although it is slanted toward America (their context) the frightening ramifications of falsely putting together of the adjective ‘Christian’ with the noun ‘nation’ is explored. It is applicable way beyond the geographical context of their context.

One quotable quote (among many):

Nationalism, as I see it, is a move to attach a sort of messianic role to a nation-state. And it leads to a sort of exceptionalism for that nation, that it thereby isn’t subject to the normal rules we expect everybody else to be subject to, because it has a sort of presumed messianic role in saving the world. And when you think about nationalism in those terms, then we quickly see that the evangelicals did not invent this
