7 thoughts on “Second interview with Stephen

  1. Great interview Martin, with so many challenging and provoking ideas. Learning so much by listening. I think to call it a ‘Godly mess’ is so accurate but also really uncomfortable too – I really feel that. It’s going to take time to make sense of what we need to be now and what we do and say/don’t do and say.

    1. Thanks Joanna. Stephen has a knack of digging in to bring out some great discussion.

  2. Martin, really enjoyed that.

    I find your active faith that a true Christian Ekklesia can reshape society inspiring, particularly in the light of the revelation that you also seem to carry that 2,000 years on from “Pauls” early attempts, we have still not even dented, let alone overthrown, the Roman Empire.

    Faith: a confidence in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary

    thanks again for the provocative thoughts


    1. Thanks Nigel. I am certainly very impressed with the early church work. The huge unlikelyhood that their message that there was an entire new creation, and the inbreaking (irruption, maybe better?) of a new order to the polis not based on a new philosophy but on the death of a young Jew in an obscure province… Says a lot about them (and of course the other side of the seeming mess they were in at times when we read the letters – Corinth?!!!).

      And says more about the power of the ‘good news’.

  3. Not sure if we will ‘dent’ or ‘overthrow’ the Empire – at least not for a long time. I hope for a subversive movement from beneath that offers the real alternative and that ultimately people’s eyes will open to it. I think Martin has a lot to say in these areas and hopefully there will be some more interviews šŸ™‚

    1. Stephen – appreciated the interview a lot. It is always worth getting out of bed to connect across the time-zones! ‘A subversive movement’ – now there’s a title someone should use for a book!

  4. yes, I read a great wee book about a ‘subversive movement’ by a very inspiring guy recently… hehe šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚

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