We covered the four interviews in just an hour. Not sure about you but I could have extended each one to an hour or more, and then we would have opened up other areas… and if we had taken a breather I could have put Sue on for a few follow ups! All goes to say a deep appreciation for the resource they both have been to so many; not simply a resource – knowledge and perspective wise – but as people who come alongside.
I hope you have all found the interviews as stimulating and as encouraging as I did. One final one to come, but hold on just a minute!
If you would like to connect more with the writings and communications from Roger there are a number of ways you can do this.
His blog with a place to interact through the comments:
There is a Kenarchy Journal that Roger is the main editor for. Click on the image or the link to be taken there:

His academic papers and articles can be found here:
His books can be sourced through normal stockists.

The Church Gospel and Empire: How the Politics of Sovereignty impregnated the West
This is an adaptation of his PhD for publication as a book, and if you wish to engage with his original research this is what to read.

The Fall of the Church: I found this book ever so helpful. I profess to be deeply influenced by an AnaBaptist approach to Scripture and the Gospel (though go research the Dirk Willems story and see if I am genuine!) and expected that I would read something along the lines of ‘pre-Constantine pretty good; post-Constantine all goes wrong’. Much more profound. If ‘The Church, Gospel and Empire‘ is a read too-far, this one I would love to see everyone access and read.
Discovering Kenarchy

Discovering Kenarchy:
Written by a number of contributors pushing into the practicalities of an outworking in different areas of kenarchy.
And finally the video:
Thanks Martin for these 4 interviews. Whilst I agree much more time could have been spent on each of them, it is so helpful to have these “bite size chunks”.
I have read all Roger’s books and his recent two journals on kenarchy which are brilliant, but always felt there was a need for something more accessible for many others to get started with. These interviews hit the nail on the head -much appreciated!
Yes, very much appreciated Martin (and Roger!) Thanks for doing them!