4 thoughts on “Creativity and Arts

  1. Both fascinating and encouraging and love the bit about us all being potentially creative as we have access to the creator. The other videos have been very provoking and challenging too which much to think about. Thank you Martin and Michele!

  2. Just caught up with these three interveiws. If you had a like button I’d be hitting it!

  3. I so enjoy these posts: they stir the inner being. These three recent interviews have touched upon topics that are seldom discussed at this level. So – thank you for allowing them to be accessible.
    If I may, a (first time) comment about Creativity and the Arts: not all ‘art’ is creative and not all creativity is about ‘art’. Agreed, we are made in the image of the Master Creator, so therefore we can acknowledge the potential of creativity in anything we do/are: imagination, inventiveness, originality, problem solving (in the kitchen, workshop, garden/farm, laboratory, academia etc etc). Not fettered by age, environment, gender, ethnicity, institutions or resources.

    1. Hey Maurice Thanks for dropping by… As we say ‘hace mucho…’; been a long time since we have talked face to face, and wonderfully so much has changed over the years. Guys like you I think understood years ago that the ‘ekklesia’ was to be in the world… took some of us a long time to catch up!!

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