Advance Notice

I am so far ahead of myself with this… but…

Over the past months there have a variety of ‘open zooms’ and the most recent ones have tried to explore what a ‘kingdom economics’ might look like. In September I plan to get a Zoom date where I will present some material that will act as introductory material on Eschatology (so a little bit of a shift… but ultimately eschatology is deeply practical with the biblical question always being a ‘so what?’ or ‘how then do we live in the light of that?’. I am currently recording /editing four short videos and will also make available a pdf (10,000 words) to go with this evening. If we find there is sufficient material we will make this into 2 evenings.

At the heart of this first set of videos (more videos to come) will be:

  • Prophecy is not history written in advance – it is promise.
  • We cannot draw a straight line from OT prophecies to current events.
  • The NT must show us how to read OT texts.
  • A move from a one horizon of ‘Messiah will come’ to three levels of horizon (debt to Andrew Perriman on this) – three horizons of ‘cross’, AD70 and the fall of Jerusalem, and the final parousia.
  • That ‘end times’ is not about a set of events but the final transformation of this world constructs into the kingdom of our Lord and Christ, therefore it must include
  • the transformation of creation not simply the ’saving of souls’ – indeed the paradigm of who is saved and who is not is to miss the thrust of creation to new creation.

I will post here when I have more firm details.

3 thoughts on “Advance Notice

  1. Thanks Martin
    I look forward to this-very timely- as I have been thinking about eschatology recently, being asked to speak about it. Very much appreciate a more developed hermeneutic having been brought up with literalist interpretations.

    1. Of course Paul once you have heard my ‘ideas’ you will be soooo convinced!!!!! (As if…)

  2. Thanks Martin, for doing so much hard thinking and question asking. I just completely stalled on reading Revelation, so really looking forward to what you bring to this tricksy and important subject.

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