Podcasts… Joseph Steinberg

My mate, Martin Purnell, hosts ‘Off Grid Christianity’ podcasts interviewing all sorts of interesting people (including the very famous Noel Richards… but includes me in so that Mr. Noel stays within boundaries!)… He recently did two interviews with Joseph Steinberg. Joseph is the CEO of International Mission to Jewish People and grew up in a Reformed American Jewish family who were opposed to any thought of belief in Jesus. Part 1 gives a wonderful insight into his family background and his amazing conversion… part 2 is on his understanding of the land the people and the current Middle Eastern conflict.

Theologically (he said he was a Calvinist!) and on issues of the land I would go a different direction, BUT his passion for Jesus and the centrality of Jesus means these two podcasts compelling listening. Easy to listen to and very inspiring.

One thought on “Podcasts… Joseph Steinberg

  1. This a really excellent podcast which I’d encourage people to listen to.Joseph answers each question with wisdom and knowledge and a good dollop of humour.I was really challenged by his deep love for the gospel and normally would have been turned off perhaps by the way he presented the call to mission.But instead of that it made me think though not necessarily agree and couldn’t help to respect,be moved and wanted to hear it over again.

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