Back in February I had a couple of intense weeks thrust upon me. I initially understood this to be for a particular situation, but with the crisis in Ukraine, I now believe it is something global. Below is an image that more or less represents what I saw and sought to push back on. Four waves of attack, each one building on the one that went before. When wave 1 was established it released wave 2 (wave 1 continuing). When I encountered this wave 3 (‘worm’!) was not fully established so wave 4 was not yet released – for this reason I am holding out that we will not see nuclear nor chemical warfare in Ukraine, though the destruction already there is abhorrent. I have a video link where I seek to explain what I experienced.

This was very good Martin, and spot on in many ways to world events…for instance just this week *2 men were arrested in Washington who had literally “wormed” their way into very high security details that actually provided protection for Jill Biden the “1st Lady” President Biden’s wife…these men were actually dual citizens but foreign agents who had posed as Homeland security officers and convinced several Secret Service Agents that they could provide them with all kinds of benefit…while they had not compromised the 1st lady’s security detail, they had worked their way in far enough to cause serious concern and they did it by flattery and promises to agents and it’s clear they used the “insecurity” of people who worked IN security to worm their way in…funny how you can work in SECURITY but that can be compromised by your INsecurity.
My point is this is a global thing…all of it.
I suppose when it comes to timing and wisdom we should all be prepared to act instantly while we wait patiently unhurried in peace.
False wisdom probably offers false peace…
(*google: Iranian agents arrested)
Yes… a global thing and probably a lot more global than we know!
Alright, I’m terrified. Thanks. . . I think. Your explanation makes sense. Love the worm, kind of. Makes me think of Dune. Have you been watching Dune or something? So apt as we see Russia gear up to take eastern Ukraine, a place it has been trying to worm its way into for years. Sigh. And of course, they have brought in a new general with a reputation that should make us all shudder. I truly don’t understand what it would mean to live with those atrocities on your soul.
So right or wrong timing, with wormy behaviour, all leading, if unchecked, to horrors. Thanks Martin. Time to go bury my head in the sand somewhere. Or just relax by baking bread. And here I thought teaching about climate change was hard, now we have this to contend with!
It all feels like dancing on the edge of an abyss. But my hope is that through the world having to work together to deal with Covid, and now aligning against the invasion of Ukraine, that maybe, just maybe, when this is all over and the worms have scampered away or been totally defeated, that we will have learned the lessons needed to deal with climate change. That’s the hope.
One comment on people seeking peace. . . I have been struck by so many standing up all over the world and saying no to war. That makes me hopeful too.
I take the ‘thanks Martin’…!!! It is a scary world with / without any ‘I see this’ added to it. Enough to see without ‘seeing’ more, if only we can pull on what is deep within humanity. Somewhere there remains an image – surely?
I am hopeful too, but the realism kicks against the hope. But hope can push beyond the realism? I think so.
Thank you Martin. This really resonates with what’s been happening for me and my family for while. I’ve been in Scotland for last week and my sister was talking about some stuff I had been listening too which she felt was like worms undermining me because wasn’t inspired by Holy Spirit though ‘about’ God. Like you said ideas worming their way in! She’s also been subjected to jealousy and come under intimidation too in her vision for her Croft/land! Plus the Chronos and Kairos issue so speaks to me too and premature/delay spirits which I and my daughter have experienced a lot. So Even on personal level so relevant . Really felt Holy Spirit when you described your discernment and experiences which I hardly ever do these days. So gratifying to know you are contending with this spiritual onslaught for the world too.