Eschatology: video ‘There to Here’

This video is around 12 minutes long and it sits alongside the pdf I wrote little while back. The link to that article is found at:

I cover in that pdf some of the history of ‘the secret rapture’ and Dispensationalism with the main focus on the ‘restoration of all things’, the renewal of creation. The video simply summarises this aspect of movement from heaven to earth. I will set a Zoom meeting with an open invitation and in that session I will summarise the content, respond to feedback, and I hope we can explore the practical implications for all eschatology begs the question: ‘in the light of this how do we live?’ If you plan / hope to come to the Zoom session please either read the pdf or watch the video.

2 thoughts on “Eschatology: video ‘There to Here’

  1. What are your thoughts on the millennial rule? I’ve heard people who are prophets talking about it. Stating that Jesus who is more like a conquering hero will come in and change everything that he will be more like a warlord than the kenotic lamb of God anymore? I get confused about all the varying views on the book of Revelation etc? Looking forward to the Open Zoom will hope to read the pdf before too. Thank you Martin.

    1. Thanks Joanna. I think (always dangerous) that I have covered for me the foundations in this and the previous videos / pdfs. The foundations will give a set of parameters. So have been wondering (for example) whether to look at the Scriptures and the antiChrist, or Israel and eschatology next. The millennial approach would be another option.
      As for Jesus returning as a war lord… of course that can be read from (or into) the book of Revelation, but it is the same Jesus who will return not a ‘now for his true identity that has been hidden all this time!!’. The fullness of God dwelt bodily in Jesus – then, now and in the future.
      Loads more to look at. Glad I started looking at eschatology but aware that it is a huge subject. I have bitten and will continue to chew!

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