‘Open’ Zoom Date

I have set the next Open Zoom date for Tuesday, February 4th, 19:30 UK Time and the focus will be on the direction of movement in eschatology. The centre being from heaven to earth and the goal being the restoration of all things (‘ta panta’, the ‘all things’ of creation).

If attending please either read the pdf that I have written or watch the video that I have recorded. (The pdf is in greater detail and includes a critique of the ‘secret rapture’ / Dispensationalism.) Please read / view one or other…or for the keenies both! Here are the respective links:

Love how the video captures me looking speechless – must have been something so clever I said that it blew me away?

If planning on attending the link for the Zoom meeting can be found here:

Open Zoom Feb. 4th

I hope we can focus at some level on what would be the practical application to life if we held to an expectation of ‘God/Jesus arriving’ rather than ‘we departing’.
