Post for 2023

I have made a video looking forward to this year. I reflect back on ‘predictions / prophetic insights’ for 2022, and rather than simply tick boxes, we have to ask a ‘so what’ about what had been said. We are undoubtedly at a time of crises – COVID marked a before and an after but has not gone away.

At a global level I see 2023 marked by currency crises, new currencies prototyped, currency wars, and re-alignments particularly for the African and South American continents. At a personal level a re-alignment away from independence in the first months, and away from overt inordinate dependence in the latter months (thus even I will not escape!).

People Movements

Living in the West is a privilege. I might not like the throwing of soup on art work but I guess when one is deeply concerned about the state of the world actions can be seen as extreme (‘Just stop oil’ activists, for example). Protest, from activists such as Martin Luther King, Gandhi, through Jesus to the prophets… I like many others have been involved to some extent and only once did I think ‘if I were a citizen of this country I will not be alive in the coming days… so grateful for my British passport’. We, in the West, are relatively safe, substantially safe; but now those in China, Russia or in Iran? That is a different matter.

Earlier this year I posted a video related to sight for 2022, and listening to it again this morning I noted (around 13:00 minutes in) I spoke of people movements coming to the fore in the latter months of this year. I suspect that – as per many prophetic areas of sight – that what we are beginning to see is only the start of this and that there will be an increase as the year turns.

Where will this lead? The predictable with arrests and disappearances, but the voice on the street has been released – it is the counter voice to the voice that is given to the beast. In 2023 we will see the end of a dictator’s rule.

I tried to find where I wrote, in the public arena, about a new currency is being shaped and that crypto-currencies were not ‘it’ but a sign that something was coming forth. The current shaking on the crypto- market I think is a real sign of this. To all those involved in the big world of economics, who carry a heart and courage beyond me, watch for the signs of something appearing in the early months of 23… those who have been willing to pilgrim in the desert can learn how to ride the beast. Currencies, old and new, are not necessarily evil, what they are put to serve determines their morality.
