
Humanising the Divine

I wrote this book as the foundation to the series for two reasons. If we start our theology (study of God) with God we will probably be trapped in terms such as ‘omnipotence, omniscience’ and the like. Jesus - as HUMAN - came to reveal who God is. The second reason is we can avoid the over-negative view of humanity if we begin with humanity being created to image God.

To get the best out of the sessions there is a small amount of PRE-WORK that consists of a combination of articles, videos, podcasts and questions. That together with the chapter in the book will prepare you for the session.

The pre-work is optional but recommended. The post-work is entirely optional.

Session 1: Preface

Click below for the pre-work:


Click the link below for direct access to the zoom meeting. Or use:
Meeting ID: 572 803 9267
Passcode: 5GkMTA

**NB: The link is only for the zooms that Martin hosts; if there is another host they will send you the zoom link that is relevant.**

Click below for (optional) post-session material:


Session 2: Why Humanity?

Click below for the pre-work:


Click the link below for direct access to the zoom meeting. Or use:
Meeting ID: 572 803 9267
Passcode: 5GkMTA

**NB: The link is only for the zooms that Martin hosts; if there is another host they will send you the zoom link that is relevant.**

Click below for (optional) post-session material:


Session 3: Judas - Human Weakness

Click below for the pre-work:


Click the link below for direct access to the zoom meeting. Or use:
Meeting ID: 572 803 9267
Passcode: 5GkMTA

**NB: The link is only for the zooms that Martin hosts; if there is another host they will send you the zoom link that is relevant.**

Click below for (optional) post-session material:


Session 4: Peter - Revelation and Expectation

Click below for the pre-work:


Click the link below for direct access to the zoom meeting. Or use:
Meeting ID: 572 803 9267
Passcode: 5GkMTA

**NB: The link is only for the zooms that Martin hosts; if there is another host they will send you the zoom link that is relevant.**

Click below for (optional) post-session material:


Session 5: Cornelius' Conversion

Click below for the pre-work:


Click the link below for direct access to the zoom meeting. Or use:
Meeting ID: 572 803 9267
Passcode: 5GkMTA

**NB: The link is only for the zooms that Martin hosts; if there is another host they will send you the zoom link that is relevant.**

Click below for (optional) post-session material:


Session 6: Witness

Click below for the pre-work:


Click the link below for direct access to the zoom meeting. Or use:
Meeting ID: 572 803 9267
Passcode: 5GkMTA

**NB: The link is only for the zooms that Martin hosts; if there is another host they will send you the zoom link that is relevant.**

Click below for (optional) post-session material:


Session 7: Time for Wrath

Click below for the pre-work:


Click the link below for direct access to the zoom meeting. Or use:
Meeting ID: 572 803 9267
Passcode: 5GkMTA

**NB: The link is only for the zooms that Martin hosts; if there is another host they will send you the zoom link that is relevant.**

Click below for (optional) post-session material:


Session 8: Hung on a Tree

Click below for the pre-work:


Click the link below for direct access to the zoom meeting. Or use:
Meeting ID: 572 803 9267
Passcode: 5GkMTA

**NB: The link is only for the zooms that Martin hosts; if there is another host they will send you the zoom link that is relevant.**

Click below for (optional) post-session material: