It’s corrupt!

Something mixed

I had an interesting reflection this week, provoked in preparing for a Zoom call. A few years back… oh yes here comes a story… while getting ready for some travel Gayle was walking and praying about what she should bring to the situation we would be in in a few weeks’ time. While walking she met an angel that she recognised, and recognised as being Gadir. The (female) angel related to our time in Cádiz whose ancient name was for a while, Gadir. She knew that the angel promised to come with us on the flight and together we knew that this angel had a particular gift to bring, the gift of digging! (Angels are fellow servants of the One true God. Partners for the release of the kingdom.)

Gayle carried a strong message with respect to misogyny and patriarchy. Of Latin America Gustavo Gutiérrez said that the women are ‘doubly oppressed and marginalised’. On one of the final evenings we knew it was the time, and that we were in the right context, to give our ‘Amen’ to the release of the angel – I am not suggesting we commission angels as they are sent from heaven, but we can align in agreement (Amen = so be it) so that they can fulfil what they have come to do. We released the digging with explanations that this was not going to stop any time soon. Since that time so much has been uprooted, so much corruption, first always inside the church then beyond. The level, to be honest, has been quite disturbing and taken a considerable amount of our time.

Corruption. Always I think money and sex when I hear that word. But as I talked this week I realised corruption is often so much more subtle. Digging, digging and mining brings up whatever needs to come up, then comes the purifying process. In certain situations this is known as smelting which takes place at a high temperature.

Corruption being exposed. The digging is revealing that the impure mix is that of ‘power’ with the Gospel. [Power corrupts…] When that happens all kinds of compromises are made with the political powers. I have a strong hunch that we will see some major implosions before this year is out, and with / without Gadir’s specific help this will take place in a number of compromised corrupted situations. What an era we are in. As digging takes place, sexual and financial issues will be exposed, but a deeper issue also – that is corrupt, what is mixed that should never have been mixed.
