Needless casualties

Prophets are vulnerable

Over the past few years I have been focused on where those with prophetic calling are dealing with issues of persistent or life threatening sickness. I also know of a number who have passed away. A few weeks back I was on a Zoom with a group of people who carry prophetic anointing and we looked at those issues there. This video is a response from that evening.

I also noted that a few days ago Cindy Jacobs put out a call to pray and fast to protect those who are called as prophets:

There have been many instances of sickness hitting the prophets recently. Therefore, we are calling for a 40-day fast to protect the prophets.

Beyond the scope of this video we could be add that in the current scenario there is a vulnerability that is directed against women and in particular those of a rising generation (maybe another video to be done suggesting that the current collapse – societal, governmental, economic and in particular ecological – is in danger of being filled in a wrong way…). So an even greater awareness of the potential difficulties that can affect health if the person is both female and a prophet.

Needless casualties – maybe later a video on this – I don’t go the whole way with the contents of the book that opens this up, but the theme of ‘needless casualties’ is something we should seek to avoid.

No answers in the video; certainly no attempt to connect with straight lines, but I seek to cover:

  • The foundation of attacks from within the body of Christ is the biggest source of the issues (1 Cor. 11:30 being foundational).
  • Attacks rooted in jealousy.
  • Memory / trauma locked in the body with a 6 month – 2 year incubation period.
  • Life taken from us rather than life being given from us.
  • Getting out of the land of anointing.