Wider Resources
Peter Enns - an Old Testament scholar has some wonderful material with the motivation of making the Bible accessible for ordinary people as well as hosting ‘the only God-ordained podcast on the internet’ with a wide ranging subject matter, often in the form of interviews. Deeply honest, exploratory, great scholarship presented at an easy to access level.
Want something brain stretching from a pioneer of consistently reading the Bible historically? Many challenges in this one for the brain (Author: Andrew Perriman). Tom Wright-ish but pushing beyond. Sees the conversion of Constantine as an (imperfect) fulfilment of the nations acknowledging the God of the Jews as the Universal Lord. By imperfect he is not implying that it was a partial fulfilment and that we should look for a further fulfilment. He does hold to a parousia in the future. On the interpretation of Constantine I would differ.
And I owe a huge debt to N.T. Wright and his numerous books. He writes academically as ‘N.T. Wright’ and at a more popular level under the name ‘Tom Wright’.
The book, Disarming Scripture, by Derek Flood is a refreshing look at how Jesus and Paul quote the Old Testament, how they ‘edit’ the quotes so that they effectively leave out the violent parts! A very helpful way in to understand the issue of violence in the Old Testament.
How the Crucifixion of Jesus makes sense of Old Testament Violence by Greg Boyd also responds to the violence in the Old Testament. He takes what might be considered a more conservative response to Scripture, and had a series of interchanges on the web with Flood (book above). Boyd is more accepting of the Scriptures as they are presented but viewing them through the Cross; Flood argues that the Scriptures themselves demand that we read them critically. (Beyond the above book Boyd is a strong advocate of Open Theology: that the future is not fixed by God, nor that s/he has absolute foreknowledge of it, but always responds with love to the many possibilities. What is known are the all-but infinite number of possibilities - like a chess master who might ‘know’ all the possible moves, simply multiplied a million+ times over.)
Open Theologian Thomas Jay Oord’s book Unconditional Love is probably the best book currently available on Open Theology (though he is strictly not Open Theology, he uses the term ‘essential kenoticism’ to describe his approach). He strongly advocates that God’s outpouring of his life in love (kenosis) is eternal - it is the manifestation of God eternal, not simply a temporary act in time as in the Incarnation.
Stephen Hill’s book that I reference in Volume 1, John, a Prophetic Revelation, is a book full of insights to the fourth Gospel. It is strongly underlining the relational aspect of faith, the place of women as catalysts for Jesus, the non-religious approach of Jesus. There are insights from this book that are either explicitly within Humanising the Divine, or have crept in below the radar to influence what I wrote.
Stephen also has a web site:
On there you will also find an interview with me that homes in on ekklesia, pre- and post-Pauline:
Interview on ‘ekklesia’
Walter Brueggemann is an Old Testament scholar and prolific writer. A book packed with insight is Journey to the Common Good.
Roger Mitchell’s research on how sovereignty impregnated the West and Western Christianity is highly significant. Try his blog:
Also I have a series of short and very accessible video interviews with him: YouTube Videos
His books and articles are available - try and internet search (use the name ‘Roger Haydon Mitchell’) and I recommend the introductory book The Fall of the Church.