Of course if you are reading this tomorrow then it becomes today… so to be clear:
Tuesday 4th February, 19:30UK time.
If you plan to join us either please read the pdf (around 10,000 words) or watch the short video. Much of ‘popular’ eschatology is summed up in the words of the song (that was sung in an oppressive context): ‘This world is not my home I am just a passing through’. I am proposing that the movement that we pray for is for heaven to enter our sphere i.e. here not there as the fulfilment.
All theology is practical and so I hope we can throw around what difference we think should / could come about with an understanding that ‘we are not looking to go to heaven’ but ‘for heaven to manifest here’.
Here is the Zoom link for the evening:
NB I had to change the link for the evening the one below is the correct one
ID: 572 803 9267
Passcode: 5GkMTA
And the link to the pdf:
And to the video:
Look forward to seeing those who can make it.